"You might as well tell him, dear," his Mom kindly ordered. "Ron ought to know, he is your best friend. . ."

"Know what? Who's idea?" I huffed. I HATED surprises. Wringing his smallish hands, Wayne admitted, "I've a new job. Okay, I said it.?".

"What's with you, man?" I asked. "Something's not right."

Between my bewildered stare and his Mom's stoic glare he shamefully blushed and whispered, "They want me to be a MODEL!"

"Wow!" I cheered. "How long before I'll see you in GQ!" "Tell him!" Rachel butted in. "Go head, Wayne, tell Ron what TYPE of model you're going to be!"

With hand cupped over mouth, Wayne mumbled, "It's sort of weird...they want me to be a 'UNI-SEX' model."

"Huh?" I shook my head.

"I'll translate," Rachel sadistically chirped. "Uni-sex is IN! You've seen all the girls wearing men's suits on the runways and in ads? Well, MY dear big brother's going to be wearing feminine things. . .It's real trendy in New York and Paris!'

"WHAT?" I gasped. "Feminine things? Like what?"

"I don't really know yet," he sadly confessed. "I still have a lot to learn. I hope you don't hate me for even thinking about doing this.'

"Forget that. How did this happen?"

Mrs. Carr grabbed her daughter and silently left us alone. After several balking attempts, Wayne eventually explained.

"I swear, I was just minding my own business...checking out chicks and waiting for Rachel to finish so I could get to work," he recounted. "Then, out of the blue, this woman runs up at me, shouting, 'YOU'RE WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR!""

"UNBELIEVABLE!" I grunted. "All those HOT chicks and the judges picked YOU!"

"Maybe it was because I was the only guy there, I don't know? But Rita Delatore wanted ME."

"Rita Dela...WHO?"

"My new modeling agent," he sourly sighed. "She came to scout talent for the Olds Modeling Agency in New York. Just as the judges were announcing the real winner, she discov-

BOSOM BUDDY -7 ered me. It's wild. I'm afraid her interest in me short circuited the entire contest!"

"She said I could be a BIG unisex model. . .big money and all."

"You're joking? You told her no way.. .right?"

"Rita's VERY persistent," Wayne meekly gulped. "She asked a lot of questions and when I told her how broke I was, she insisted on meeting Mom right away. . .Ron, this woman's VERY convincing!"

"Insane's more like it! Uni-sex clothing? What's that mean?

He blushed, "I'll be wearing girl style clothes." "Girl style?"

"I guess like silky blouses, clunky shoes, tunic pants, scarves, you know...

"Not skirts or dresses, right? You're not going to be a girl model, are you. I mean, no one's twisting your arm. . .Are they?"

"I don't know everything yet. . .But Ron, the money's INCREDIBLE! When Rita told me how much I could earn, I couldn't resist!"

"What about your Mom? She's going for this?"

"Mom's reluctant, but practical. She knows I'll go nowhere without a good education. If I have to dress 'funny' for a while to attend Wettington University, so be it!"

"Money's not everything. Guys just don't do these things!"

He countered to my surprise, "I thought so too until Rita showed me photos of other uni-sex models. It's WILD, but a little makeup and a bit of padding can do MIRACLES!"


"Make-up? Forget that! I can't imagine you in make-up!" "Neither can I!" he laughed. "But Rita sure believes in

As I rolled my eyes, Wayne became serious. "It's a done deal, Ron. Mom and I signed the contract this morning and next week I start modeling training!"

"Training?" I sneered. "Like what? Walking down runways?"

"No...Just reading some books, a few exercises and such. ..no big deal."

"Yeah...But I still think you're making a HUGE mistake!"